The Association for Veterinary Orthopedic Research and Education

AVORE News and Upcoming Meetings
Winter 2025
January 16th - 18th. This meeting will be held in San Diego California.
Hilton San Diego Bayfront
1 Park Boulevard
San Diego, California 92101
Phone: 619 564-3333
Please use the link below to reserve your hotel room. The deadline for hotel reservations will be Dec 17th.
When calling the hotel to make room reservations let them know that you are attending the AVORE meeting to ensure that you get the group room rate.
January 16 - 18, 2025 Meeting Agenda -
*Subject to changes.
Thursday Jan 16th
3 - 4:30 PM: Council Member Meeting
Fred Pike (30 minutes)
Infected acetabular cup exchange
Open Communications:
Jason Bleedorn (30 minutes)
Preemptive tibial leveling in high grade MPL cases with intact CCL
Matt Brunke (30 minutes)
LS disease and epidural injections
Friday Jan 17th
Breakfast 7-8am
Keynote Speaker: Dan Lewis (3hours)
RE-embracing external skeletal fixation (1 hour)
Managing elbow incongruity (1 hour)
Walk about with an old wantabee Aussie
(Highlights from 40 Years of orthopedic research) (1 hour)
Po-Yen Chou (30 minutes)
Impingement after total hip replacement surgery
Jason Syrcle (30 minutes)
Complicated THR Cases
Lunch 12-1:30 pm
Elizabeth (10-15 min)
Cats with IVDD
Alex (10-15 min)
DFO with femoral trochleoplasty using the SCRT
Norhiro Muroi (30 minutes)
Biomechanical comparison of double plating vs. plate/rod fixation
Laurent Guiot (30 minutes)
Decision algorithm in TKR; When should we NOT do TPLO (30 minutes)
Matt Brunke (30 minutes)
Research updates on Arthramid
Kevin Benjamino (30 minutes)
Updates on Synovetin
Steve Petersen (30 minutes)
Supraglenoid tubercle fractures - approach and treatment
Stephen Jones (30 minutes)
Implant retention in the treatment of delayed union and
implant associated infection
Charlotte Pfund (30 minutes)
Distraction osteogenesis at the site of neutral wedge ostectomy for angular
limb deformity in the hind limb in 2 young dogs
Open Communications
Jason Bleedorn (30 minutes)
TTT vs TTO with MPL Cases - threshold for correction
Saturday Jan 18th
Breakfast 7-8am
Dan Lewis (1 hour)
Role of virtual surgical planning and 3D printing in addressing patellar luxation
Christina DeArmond (30 minutes)
DFO technique using 3D cutting and reduction guides with lab exercise review
Ken Bruecker (30 minutes)
SCRT (semi-cylindrical recession trochleoplasty) with lab exercise review
Dan Lewis (30 minutes)
PGR (patellar grove replacement) with lab exercise review
Group (1.5 hours)
Peer to peer discussion: Challenges and outlooks to patella luxation
diagnosis and management
Lunch 12-1:30 pm
Lab 1 (1.5 hours)
Distal femoral osteotomy using 3D printed cutting and reduction guides
Lab 2 (1 hour)
SCRT cylindrical sulcoplasty
Lab 3 (1.5 hours)
Patellar groove replacement
Bruecker, DeArmond, Lewis and Guiot (1 hour)
Wrap up and discussion
About our meetings:
Exact times of presentations may change based on topic flow and time availability.
Meeting attendees are expected to present a case report, retrospective case series, practice tip, journal article review or share a summary from another meeting. Please see the meeting agenda for meeting details.
Free communications: AVORE encourages participation from all attendees. If you have something you would like to present but didn’t get onto the program, time has been set aside in Free Communications at the end of both days. Please contact Fred Pike or David Dycus with your topic.
* “The course has been submitted for 15** hours of continuing education credit in jurisdictions which recognize AAVSB’s RACE approval; however, participants should be aware that some boards have limitations on the number of hours accepted in certain categories and/or restrictions of certain methods of delivery of continuing education.”
Registration and Fees
Registration will be limited to the first 50 registrants.
To register for the AVORE meeting please email rmhoover@live.com.
You will be placed on the registration list and an invoice for the registration fees will be sent.
Registration fees $600 if registered and paid before the meeting
Registration fees if registering at the meeting $650
Technicians and nursing staff $100
(AVORE Council Members’ dues cover the meeting registration fees.)
If you wish to pay with a check:
Please mail your check payable to AVORE to:
Marie Hoover
13768 SE Thurmont Street
Happy Valley, Oregon 97086
If you wish to pay with a credit card please go to the Registration and Payments
page and follow the link for the credit card processing.
Please de-select the items not applicable to you and verify that the amount being charged is correct.
Meeting Information
AVORE sends out email announcements with the dates, place, agenda and meeting particulars. You do not have to be a member to attend the meetings. To receive meeting announcements via email please contact the Executive Secretary to be placed on the distribution list. The Executive Secretary oversees the meeting registration and dinner/special events reservations as needed for each meeting. If you have any questions or special requirements for a meeting, please see the "Contact" page of this website.